Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2012«

When I’m Feeling Kind by Trace Moroney

February 20, 2012


If you have come across Trace Moroney’s books, you would agree that the characters featured are not the typical, very colourful, big-eyed animal cartoons. Besides the title, what struck me at first was the cover picture of a bunny cuddling a puppy. To make it even more compelling for parents (especially mommies), they enhanced it with […]

“Coffee anyone?”

February 14, 2012


In my office, we have a tea lady who is feared by many. Grumpy and unsmiling most of the days, she would usually hide at one corner of the pantry and eagle-eyed the movements of staff who walk in and out. Then, unbeknownst to the person being watched, she would pounce at him/her from behind and […]

Join us at Life Shelter (HIV Hope)

February 13, 2012


Meals on Wheels by Ti-Ratana Penchala will be visiting the Life Shelter (HIV Hope) home on Saturday, 25 February 2012 from 10am to 2pm. You may find out more about the visit here. We are currently seeking and gathering contributions from the public for donations in the form of cash or necessities. For only RM50, you can sponsor […]

A mango a day…

February 3, 2012


We were walking around a residential area visiting relatives on the first day of Chinese New Year when we came across a mango tree outside a house.  Knowing how much E enjoys mangoes, Hubby stopped to show him how the tree looks like.   Upon seeing us admiring his mango tree, the house owner said “Go ahead and take some. You […]