Hairy business

Posted on March 23, 2012


What begun as a routine haircut session ended with a random act of kindness from a stranger to me.

I visited my usual hair salon called D’Element at Kota Damansara yesterday. I was first introduced to this salon when they ran a Groupon deal and have never stopped visiting ever since. So far, I am highly satisfied with their work and services.

And what I like most about the hair salon is their perceptive service. It is clean, cozy and spacious. Besides the free Wifi, they also offer orange juice or green tea to all their customers, regardless of the service requested or frequency of visit. And before they wash my hair each time, they would ask if I prefer warm or cold water. Thoughtful, isn’t it?

They charge reasonably too; a decent hair treatment starts from RM30 while a professional director’s haircut is priced at RM45.

As my regular stylist was on leave that day, I was more than happy to have my hair done by the owner, Rickie. I have heard rave reviews about his skills. Indeed true, he gave me a haircut that made me look 10 years younger. Okay, maybe five.

“It’s okay, pay me next time”
Back to the story – in a haste to get my chores done quickly yesterday and make it home in time for my toddler’s birthday dinner, I left home without my purse.  So when it was time to pay up, I couldn’t produce any cash and started panicking.

Maybe I should give them my iPhone or watch as a temporary solution. Maybe I can call my Hubby to bring the money… but he can’t…E is napping. Maybe I can run to the nearest bank…but I can’t, I don’t have my ATM cards with me!

As I searched for a solution, Rickie found out about my predicament. He nonchalantly said, “It’s okay, you can pay me next time.” Huh?

I don’t like or feel good owing and insisted that he should provide me with his bank account details so I could transfer the money as soon as I reach home. With a trusting expression, he said, “Really, it’s okay. We don’t have a Maybank account. You can pay us the next time you come.”

“But, but, but….I have many other bank accounts! Just tell me any and I’ll transfer,” I retorted.

Again, he kindly refused.

And with that, I walked out of the salon – with a free haircut! Of course I’ll find a way to pay them back as soon as possible but for now, I’m just grateful for Rickie’s kind understanding. In today’s world filled with free-loaders and conmen, I’m surprised at how generous and trusting he is.

Just a simple gesture of kindness like this can go a long way. I’ll definitely be making my way there again 🙂

Posted in: Inbound kindness