Ti-Ratana welfare homes – fulfilling the wish list

Posted on April 16, 2012


My two-year old is a very blessed boy. He is well-fed, well-clothed and owns everything a toddler needs to live sensibly and happily, including adequate parental love and warmth. So when we threw him a birthday bash recently, we decided to help him ‘give back’ for his blessings.  Instead of presents, we suggested the party guests to donate to Ti-Ratana orphanages in the form of cash. All proceeds will go towards buying daily necessities for the less fortunate children there.

The response was pretty encouraging. In total, we collected RM420 from parents of the little guests. Combined with the RM750 balance from my other donation drive for Farah/Lembah Subang flats and a RM100 contribution from my Hubby, we have raised a total of RM1,270.

Having seen piles and piles of used clothes and excessive/unnecessary items donated by the public and set aside in one corner in orphanages and welfare homes prior to this, I contacted the person who is in-charge of the Ti-Ratana orphanages and old folks’ homes for their wish list.  Charity efforts are always more constructive and beneficial to the people we are looking to help when we fulfill their needs rather than donate as per our assumption. It was good that I spoke to them for I have thought food items would be the utmost priority but it turned out that they needed things like medical supplies, toiletries and stationeries more.

We bought:

Medicine supplies such as paracetamol, cough syrup, fever pads, antiseptic creams, Mopiko, and more

Daily necessities such as baby and adult diapers, toilet paper, toiletries, laundry powder and mops

Stationeries ranging from drawing pads, colour pencils, water colour and palettes, pens, scissors, correction tapes

Laundry baskets, heavy duty garbage bags and ceiling fans




Celia, the owner of Baby Organix, kindly sponsored some toiletries for the less fortunate children:

5-litre top-to-toe wash, laundry powder and laundry cleanser. Thank you so much for your generosity, Celia!

Coming up next, a brief report on our visit to the Ti-Ratana welfare homes at Desa Petaling.